
March 20, 2011

Jr.NTR's 'Shakthi' leaked Full story!

NTR.Jr's Shakthi is to release on 30th of March- but before that a story is making rounds in filmnagar curricles- The story goes like this---

NTR.Jr works in National Security Force and his name is ‘Shakthi;.Prabhu is the head of NSF and Ileana is his daughter. Ileana who is the devotee of Hindu Gods wants to tour all the temples in India but Prabhu objects keeping security aspects in mind.
Still Ileana forces her Dad and he finally accepts to send her on tour. And at the same time Prabhu sends Shakthi as Ileana’s security.

On their way to temple tour- strangers attack Ileana but Shakthi successfully retaliates the attack. As the time goes, the number of attacks takes place and finally Shakthi comes to know that the attack is aimed at him, not Ileana.

Flash back starts in the second half of the film. Rudra ( NTR) is the King of Kingdom where the Kongdom has powerful Shakthi Peetamlu. Anti social elements eye on Shakthi peetamulu and try to steal them. Rudra die while fighting with those anti social elements.
Shakthi is belonging to the Rudhra Vamsham and he takes the responsibly of safeguarding those Shakthi Peetamulu.
This is the story making rounds in filmnagar circles- and the true story will be known only when the film hits the screens.

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