
March 27, 2011

Why is 'Shakti' postponed?

The actual release of ‘Shakti’ was planned on 30th of this month. From the moment publicity is pegged to top gear after audio release, everywhere Fans are happy to see Tarak coming two days early to fools day of April 1. But as post production works have come to final stages and censor has been completed ‘Shakti’ got postponed by two days to fall on those unwanted fools days.

Why did it happen? As per talk of the cine folks, prestigious semi final match between India and Pakistan was one of the reasons for ‘Shakti’ coming with a delay of two days. Most of the youth will stick on to TV sets on April 30 given the tug of war match that could possibly happen. In order not to take a risk, Aswini Dutt and Meher Ramesh are heard to have moved ‘Shakti’ to April 1 only to offer this flick as a gift to Tarak matching the day with his Engagement last year. Let us hope that everything goes great for Tarak with ‘Shakti.’

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